doctorate in modern history (international mention)
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2013-2017

Master’s degree in advanced studies in modern history: “the spanish monarchy 16th-18th centuries”
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2010-2012

bachelor’s degree in hispanic philology (first class honour)
Chulalongkorn University, 2005-2009



humanities and social scieNCes scholarship
Office of the Higher Education Commission, 2010-2016



  • history of spain (16th-18th c.) 
  • history of the spanish empire in asia
  • history of the hispanic philippines
  • history of the hispano-siamese relations


  • “Chinería: Reflection on the Spanish Aristocracy´s Identity” in the National Graduate Study Conference 2018 (NGSC), 28-29th March 2018.
  • เปี่ยมศักดิ์ หงส์จำรัสศิลป์. (2018). ชิเนเรีย: คันฉ่องส่องอัตลักษณ์ขุนนางสเปน. ใน โครงการประชุมวิชาการบัณฑิตศึกษาระดับชาติสรรพศาสตร์สรรพศิลป์ ประจำปีพ.ศ. 2561 (หน้า 304-327). กรุงเทพ: คณะศิลปศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์ ท่าพระจันทร์.


  • International Seminar: Nobility and Colonial Dynamics (Nobreza(s) e dinámicas coloniais)

“Nobility and Artistic Promotion in the Pre-Modern Spain: Art Objects in the Spanish Collections” (Nobleza y promoción artística en la España de la Edad Moderna: los objetos asiáticos en las colecciones españolas) by Piemsak Hongjamrassilp.

University of Évora, June 2012.

  • Conference: Spain in the Philippines (España en Filipinas)

Institute of History and Naval Culture (Madrid), October 2012.

  • Conference: Studies on Asia and Africa (Estudios de Asia y África)

«In the Southern Seas: South-East Asia as seen through Chinese Late Imperial sources» by Donatella Guida (Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale).

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 12th April 2013.

  • Conference: Swan Song of the Manila Galleon (El canto del cisne del Galeón de Manila) by Carlos Martínez Shaw

Ramón Areces Foundation (Madrid), 30th September 2014.

  • International Conference: Birth of the European Consciousness (Nacimiento de la conciencia europea)

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 10th-12th December 2014.

  • Conference: Philippines in the Hispanic Monarchy (Filipinas en la Monarquía Hispánica by Carlos Martínez Shaw

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 21st November 2016.

  • Globalized Frontiers of the Spanish Empire: Diplomacy, Religious Missions, Commerce and Cultural Exchanges between Manila and the Kingdom of Siam (1521-1767) Lecture at De La Salle University (Manila), 6th July 2018
  • Manila Galleon and the Kingdom of Siam (1565-1767): History of the Hispanic & Latin American Globalization in Southeast Asia

International Conference on Transpacific Connectivity through the Manila Galleon: Southeast Asia, the Pacific Coast of the Americas and Spain.

Thammasat University, 8th October 2018.

  • Hispanicization in Southeast Asia: the Case Study of Ayutthaya-Manila Relations during the 16th-18th centuries (“สเปนาภิวัตน์ในอุษาคเนย์:กรณีศึกษาความสัมพันธ์อยุธยา-มะนิลาในคริสต์ศตวรรษที่ 16-18”) Graduate Seminar of the Department of History Thammasat University, 12th October 2018.



  • history of the philippines (HS259, HS266)
  • contemporary history of the philippines (hs355)
  • history of the spanish empire (hs368)
  • special topics in hispanic studies (HS467) “history of spanish art”
  • COntemporary popular culture of spain (sp326)
  • spanish I (SP171)